Press release


"Donations and helping hands are always needed."

By 7 p.m., the line occupies the entire tunnel of the Botanique metro station. "Every day, from November 1 to April 30, we welcome about 200 people a day. We don't sort, we don't ask where people come from: you're hungry, you come", explains a person in charge of the Thermos operation. This Wednesday, in addition to hot meals, blankets, gloves, toothbrushes are distributed ... and "croustillons".

The emblematic fairground, Patrick de Corte, brought from his Christmas market chalet half a thousand doughnuts in large thermal boxes. "I've done it before. If I can help out and provide a little fun as the holidays approach. We could all be in need one day."

Each day, an association or company, like Stib first, delivers the main course. This Wednesday, the couscous is offered by the Ladbrokes foundation. This Wednesday evening, in the Botanique station, Carole Bam, the coach of the Belgian Cheetahs, answered the call and distributes the meals. "I come with great pleasure, like others. Many athletes have a big heart, not all of them were born with a silver spoon and wish to give back."

According to the organization, the number of people in need continues to grow. "We're taking in migrants, people who are unemployed, pensioners with inadequate pensions, etc. The purchasing power is decreasing and it is felt," explains Joëlle, a volunteer for five years.

In the long line, we find the one nicknamed Titi. At 73, she comes every day from Les Marolles to the underground station under the inner ring road with her dog Diana. "I also go to the social restaurants, to Nativitas... Fortunately they organize this. Otherwise, I don't know what I'll eat."

Thirty years younger than Yiti, in the same line, Michael: "Times are hard, eating every day becomes complicated," sighs the unemployed Anderlecht man. "I thank them every day."

Thanks that go straight to the heart of the Thermos team, which consists almost exclusively of volunteers. We always need donations and helping hands. This year more than any other", says Joëlle, member of the Thermos organization.